Palin's performances give her LESS credibility, only 25% say she's ready and those are the die hard brain dead Republicans (we might possibly know one or two personally--oh, sorry).
So, I'm convinced Obama will win the votes.
Now the question is--will they be counted? And will the Republicans do electoral college shenanigans.
I actually think Republicans will be relieved to have this mess they created in somebody else's hands. That's their pattern. Look at Reagan/Bush1, they screwed things up royal, then gave it to Clinton to clean up. They attacked him mercilessly for eight years but he cleaned it up and gave us a surplus.
Then Bush2 takes over (face it, folks, he didn't win, the Supreme Court unconstitutionally gave it to him), messes up the economy and world worse than any president in history--and now Daddy Democrat has to come in and be the adult and clean it up--while Republicans throw tantrums the entire time and try to undermine him.
Clearly Republicans are very spoiled children (if not "the bad seeds" :)
Of course, I will be surprised if Cheney allows there to be an election at all--I am still waiting for him to pull something, like another terrorist attack.
Then again, he may take his freshly printed billions and go to Dubai, like his company, Halliburton, where he can't be extradited to the world war tribunal and held up as the war criminal he is.
I live in hope :)

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