Friday, January 28, 2005

The 14 Characteristics of Fascism

Are we heading towards fascism, or are we already there?

Here are the 14 characteristics of fascism, written by Dr. Lawrence Britt who studied the fascist regimes of Hitler (Germany), Mussolini (Italy), Franco (Spain), Suharto (Indonesia), and Pinochet (Chile), Dr. Britt found they all had 14 elements in common.

He calls these the identifying characteristics of fascism.

For more details on these elements, see this piece in the Old American Century.

Monday, January 03, 2005


Think about the terms for the political sides, "Right' and "Left."

Who chose those sides? How did the Right get to be "Right?" Those terms are slanted right from the start. The left has always been "sinister" coming from the original Latin for left.

During the election I had a statement on my home page that read, "Democrats are the new conservatives," which is very true.

But interestingly, all Republicans have had to do is say they're for things--for "value," for family... and people took them at their word--even when their facts showed their
words to be very clear lies.

If we learn nothing else from Rove, it's that the pen can be mightier than the sword (certainly more efficient). That words now speak louder than actions.

So we see the power of words. We see how you can call lying, cheating and stealing "values" and get away with it, simply because you used the words "moral values."

I had lobbied to get people to start calling Bush's actions immoral, rather than wrong or stupid, and some people did call it that, but it still didn't matter, because he had the positive words on his side.

So I think it's time to stopping calling ourselves the Democratic party. The Republicans have tarnished the terms "Democrat", "left" so badly that the only way for them to recover is for the Republicans to self-destruct, which they may do, but then again, they may do it while still saying
they're moral patriots, in which case the 50% may not notice.

Democrats need to become

Democrats are, in fact, more conservative than the neo-cons. We are against the kind of big government and big spending currently going on (though not necessarily against big government help in other areas, such as health care but those are issues in the best interest of citizens, which are in the best interest of business, too despite what Republicans say).

The neo-Right is Wrong.

We have to take their words away from them.

We are right, so we have to call ourselves Right. Not Lefties. Not Liberal. Not even "progressive."

We are THE NEW RIGHT, we are the TRUE CONSERVATIVES. in our case, we're not just using the words, this is what we are. We are for conserving democracy and the constitution. For
preserving the traditional values, freedoms and responsibilities that our American forefathers gave us.

I know it's a radical concept--but only in terms of terminology--our direction remains the same--for the people. The neo-cons are true radicals in that they are undermining
and demolishing the system. The only thing radical here is the terminology--and it's only radical to those who think the words "liberal" and "left" are positive things--and that's clearly a minority.
