Saturday, May 07, 2011

FACE FACTS: Changing your mind is STRENGTH when the facts change!

Obama is responsible for killing Osama

Pretty simple and clear, right? 

Bush had 7 years to do it and either didn't bother (Bush In 2002: "I Truly Am Not Concerned About" Bin Laden. From a March 14, 2002, Reuters article titled, "Bin Laden not a concern: Bush"), or was too inept.

Obama got the job done.

Yes--to anyone who lives in the "fact-based reality" (that Bush mocked) knows this to be true. But anyone who still lives in BushWorld, the facts are irrelevant, and it's Bush's victory!

Washington Times' Brett Decker: "Bin Laden's Death Is More Mr. Bush's Victory Than Mr. Obama's." [The Washington Times, 5/2/11]

But, remember, facts don't matter to these people, not the propagandists at the top, and not the blind followers at the bottom.

They will always believe what they want people to believe/or are told to believe, because that's easy. Here's their mindset:
If you were to have to change your mind-based on facts of all things--then that might mean you were wrong at some point, and that's simply not allowed. Just not. You cannot be wrong, because that means you were weak--and worse, if you were wrong once, you might be wrong again, and that introduced doubt, which is the enemy of faith, right? 
So if you admit you're wrong, you're consorting with the enemy, which makes you the enemy, and, Lord God, I can't even finish this thought without wondering where my handgun is and if I have enough bullets to shoot myself, given what a bad shot I am...
 It's the year 2011. I keep hoping by this point in history people might have evolved enough to understand that when the world changes around you, you have to face the facts and react. Otherwise, if you just keep doing the same thing and expecting different results, well, we all know that's Einstein's definition of insanity.

Stop the insanity people (or at least the stupidity). Face facts.
