Monday, September 29, 2008

Better ways to spend 700 BILLION DOLLARS!

The people who need to be protected are AMERICAN CITIZENS, not Corporations who knowingly and willfully took actions for temporary profit that they had to know would lead to long-term disaster. Giving them money produces nothing.

We need to get back to making things -- that's what made this country great.

We've had too many years of "trickle down" economics where the people in the middle and bottom basically just get pissed on.

It's time to try "Bubble Up" economics--where money is spread out among the people so it can rise up. JFK said, "A rising tide lifts all boats."

The perfect example of this is FDR's public works programs which created jobs, pumped money into the economy--and resulted in building huge public works we still use today!

YOU and I deserve to be protected from greedy criminals on this huge of a scale.

Here's how we need to use the money:

  1. Fund the FDIC to make sure our bank accounts are safe. If you're worked hard and saved money, then you expect it to be there. We've been told the FDIC insures our money so it's safe. But the truth is that the FDIC doesn't have enough money to cover all our bank accounts--and it should.

    It's one thing to lose money on stocks--stocks are not insured, they are risk. But "money in the bank" is supposed to be safe, protected, insured by the government!

  2. Rewrite mortgages. The only people who can possibly blame homeowners for the crisis are the same greedy ones who gave the loans. Anyone who's had a home loan knows that normal people cannot figure out the hundreds of pages of small print. That's not our job. If someone wasn't qualified to get a loan, then WaMu and the others shouldn't have given them.

    Now the government could come in, rewrite mortgages, let people keep their homes, and that alone would help stabilize the housing market which is a key to this crisis.

  3. Fund national health insurance so people don't have to go bankrupt if they get sick. Most home foreclosures come from people going bankrupt from their medical expenses. That's absolutely insane. My Australian and Danish friends think this is unbelievable since it's so alien to them. Nobody should lose everything trying to pay for their health care. And nobody else in the industrialized world has to--just us. Meanwhile, insurance companies won't insure people with pre-existing conditions, and often cancel people when they get sick. We can stop this insanity now with some of this money!

  4. Create a new WPA to create jobs and rebuild our infrastructure. Roads. Bridges. Schools. Water systems. Our country is literally falling apart--and this money would both create jobs and rebuild the nation. This money would make something!
  5. Pay off McCain/Palin to get out of the race. Instead of electing McCain/Palin, I say just pay them off to go away. I think Palin would take 100 million, and McCain doesn't really need the money so he'd take half that. Just as we could have paid off people to get rid of Saddam for a few hundred million, (thereby saving trillions of dollars and tens of thousands of lives!) we can save the country by paying off these people to just go away!
We already are so massively in debt we can't afford 700 billion loaned from more foreign banks--imagine the interest on the debt alone. But if we're going to spend money we don't have there are GOOD ways to spend it :)

Say Hello to SOCIALISM... really FASCISM!

Since the takeover of major banks, brokerages and insurance companies, the USA has just changed from Democracy to what some people think is Socialism. The change is really to fascism, as true socialism, in the Scandinavian manner, would also have socialized health care and made sure people are taken care of.

They should be bailing out the FDIC to protect YOUR money in the bank. They should be protecting legitimate homeowners (not speculators), funding universal health care (since so many mortgage defaults come from bankruptcy caused by paying medical bills), and creating a WPA-like group (if you're going to go socialist, that's the way to go) to create jobs and rebuild our infrastructure.

But this isn't about protecting people or rebuilding the country.

This is about completing our move to Fascism, where we must bail out the greedy corporations that screwed us in the first place, and hand more money than the bloated Pentagon gets, to one person with no oversight or control--and judicial immunity.

That's not democracy. That is the very definition of a Fascist dictatorship, only in this case even our El Presidente would be overridden by this new financial wizard who was so smart he didn't see all this coming.

That's where we've been moving for eight years under Bush and the neo-cons--to a state where we had a government by corporations, for corporations and of corporations, rather than our traditional democratic rule of "of the people, for the people, and by the people."

I have said since the start of the Neo-Con administration (since this is wider than just Bush and Cheney, though they have been the leaders), that their goal was nothing less than to destroy our economy.


Because that was the only way they could fundamentally change the government from representative democracy, to corporate fascism.

This administration may not have been competent at much of anything--not at preparing for or dealing with national disasters like Katrina, or preparing for or running a war, but they have been brilliant at things always associated with fascists:

  • Propaganda
  • Seizing control of the government away from the people (secret meetings with oil companies to create an "energy plan" that's only in their interest)
  • Taking property away from the people (nationalizing formerly private owned companies, leaving the stockholders with nothing--Lehman Brothers stock went from around $70 to seventeen CENTS! Meanwhile--YOUR money is being used to bail out these corporations)


And--while YOUR MONEY is used to pay for this RISK, any profits from these corporations will be private. That's right--YOU PAY THE RISK, THEY REAP THE PROFITS. Is that fair?

They have basically bankrupted the country with tax cuts to ONLY the rich and corporations, then spending trillions on the war (which funnels money back to corporations.

Look at the national debt--right now we have no means of paying it off. Each citizen--THIS MEANS YOU--owes more than $31,000

Then, without really the money to do so, the government has NATIONALIZED the corporations that were the backbone of our economy--controlling money, stocks, mortgages. (And "nationalized" means they bought these companies with YOUR money, which, in a democracy, would mean you owned part of them--but that's now how Fascism works--here you have no ownership or control).

So, in a mere eight years, the Neo-cons have managed to take us from the Democracy of our Founding fathers, and, with little complaining from the press (also corporately controlled), turned the USA into a FASCIST STATE.

Some would call this a bloodless coup--but it required the deaths and mutilation of tens of thousands of Americans, and countless people of other nationalities.

What's so ironic is that Republicans have always tried to scare Americans with communism and the "Red menace" for years. Yet now, the "Neo-cons" (who only pretend to be conservative--they are radicals who only call themselves Republicans but don't reflect true Republican values, they are and have always been Fascists), have turned this country into exactly what they warned people away from--a totalitarian state that smothers the individual.

Meanwhile, the rich have fewer taxes, more money, and can now more easily buy your house at fire sale prices.

And you? YOU ARE WORTH LESS, if not WORTHLESS. Everything you own is worth less--except the gasoline in your car. If you owned a house, it was your biggest asset--and now it's worth 25-50% less than it was two years ago. That's less money for you, less security.

YOU ARE NOT PROTECTED. The government won't help you keep your house if you have a bad mortgage, one that lenders understood but you didn't. They have only bought up the lenders to control them. You can lose your house.

Traditionally socialist countries have nationalized health care. And some Socialism has worked in this country--Social Security and Medicare.

But in Fascism we won't get health care or any other form of protection--because Fascism is run for the corporations--and insurance and oil companies are making huge profits the way things are--they are both bleeding you dry.

YOU ARE ONLY A CONSUMER. Your only job is to shop, to spread your money around. That's your job in this new fascist state.

Now--you may be saying, "Hey, it's still a democracy, and we'll prove it in November with a presidential election."

Really? Like we proved it in 2000 when the Supreme Court took the unconstitutional step of selecting, instead of electing a president?

Like in 2004 where in Ohio and Florida there was widespread electronic voting machine fraud?

"Yes, I still get to vote," you cry. Well, you can vote all you want, but if your votes aren't counted correctly, then it doesn't matter--it's a sham, all for show. And with the takeover of electronic voting machines, with no paper trail, there's NO WAY TO TELL IF YOUR VOTE IS COUNTED. NONE.

And the company behind these machines, Diebold, is run by neo-cons, who can now decide who wins elections.

How do we stop the race to Fascism and move back to Democracy?

The only way is to make the election so obviously in favor of someone who is NOT part of the fascist plan. In this case that choice is Obama. Whether you like him or not--he is the only AMERICAN FOR DEMOCRACY on the ticket.

McCAIN FLIP FLOPPED so much he's pointing in the totally opposite direction of where he used to be. Palin is nothing more than a tool of the fascists, with the perfect smiling facade.

But don't be fooled--this Fascist takeover cannot be stopped by the very people who created it. Their goal, and the goal of the political machine behind them, is to continue the transformation to Fascism.

But--if the election is NOT close, if Obama has an 8 point lead, then hacking voting machines in a few states won't be the deciding factor as it was in the past.


Because the only way to stop the march of Fascism is to put people who love democracy in the white house. That's the only way to stop it now.

So the choice is clear.

(corporations rule)

(of the people, by the people, for the people)

Which do you want? Which one will work for you--the people?


Friday, September 26, 2008

McCain's tie and ties--who is he, a USED CAR SALESMAN?

McCain's odd candy-striped tie was NOT presidential.

In fact, his tie and ill-fitting suit both made him look like a used car salesman.

But a mere fashion faux paux is trivial--what's important is that McCain isa used policy salesman--Selling old, worn out, tired. FAILED.

And let's talk about McCains TIES to the people behind the failure of the savings and loans, behind the deregulation and current failure of banks. Those are the ties that bind.

And what about McCain's ties to lobbyists? He had an affair with one and then gave her lobby special treatment!

  • Would you buy a country from a man like this?

  • A man who lies even when it would be simple to tell the truth?

  • A man who was in the middle of the failure of savings and loan failure, and is now in the middle of the biggest financial crisis since the great depression?

  • A man who's best friend and financial advisor is Phil Gramm, who wrote the laws that deregulated the market--which caused this current crisis?

Why would we want to buy used failed policy from McCain?

We need a NEW model, new policy, new ideas--WE NEED CHANGE. We need OBAMA.

Tuesday, September 16, 2008




SHE NEVER HAD AN F.B.I. BACKGROUND check!!! For all we know, she could be a Russian spy. She lives close enough to Russia as Cindy McCain reminded us.


She is so AGAINST OUR GREAT NATION that she was working to separate oil-rich Alaska from the rest of the U-S of A!!! She's not what anyone would call a patriot.

And why did she want to take Alaska and all it's oil? Did she want to give it to Russia?

And why would anyone want our next VP or president to have recently wanted to be no part of this country? She was Alaska first, NOT country first.

We don't know who she really is? Maybe she's going to kill McCain, take over the country, and then, at last, the Reds will have control over the USA.

We don't know, because McCain, in one of the hasty decisions even he has said he regrets, didn't leave enough time for a thorough background search.

Because McCain didn't care enough about this country to spend enough time looking for the person who would be president if he died.


Don't let the Red's take over the Red White and Blue!


Thursday, September 11, 2008


Palin's main job, which she is doing like a smart politician, whose main job is to be a DISTRACTION.

That's pure Karl Rove strategy. He ran the white house (into the ground) for 7 years. He started a war as pure politics! He traitorously exposed a CIA operative (doing that really is treason and there's proof he did it).

And his ploy is simple, yet effective"

Let's not talk about war, or the economy, or home foreclosures or gas prices.

No, let's talk about VP Barbie.

And, of course, it works, because the media is so shocking shallow, superficial and stupid. It used to be called the "fourth estate" like it was part of the US government Judicial/Legislative/Executive.

But it long ago shirked its responsibility in exchange for ratings. And for some reason, that has generally mean, "Pick Democrats to death while repeating Republican lies as truths and giving them a free pass."

I don't understand why Republicans get to lie and not be challenged on it, whereas if a Democrat does one little thing it's the end of the world (lipstick on a pig, anyone--another distraction). I don't get it. I don't see how the press benefits from attacking democrats and kissing Repugnantcan ass, but they do.

Maybe it's their corporate parents--but even then, Republicans are BAD for the economy. They have been for over 100 years. A recent study shows that the country and individuals do TWICE as well under a Democrat president than under a Republican.

It's not hard to figure out why. The Republican party is the party for the rich, greedy or stupid (and "no child left behind" was designed to keep people stupid by not really teaching, just forcing kids to remember--and believe--what they're told!). No wonder Republicans don't help. They don't have positive ideas, they just have negative attacks.

Not one major government project that really helps people--we're talking about Social Security, Medicare, things like that, has been created by Republicans--in fact, they always fight them, and then try to dismantle them (as Bush tried to do with Social Security--he would have put all our money into the sub-prime mortgages and the if Bush has his way--Social Security would have been wiped out. Maybe that was the plan, yet another way to suck all the money from the middle class and give it to the rich).

But it stinks. STINKS. And people are too stupid to smell it deserve to be lied to and cheated, as they have been for eight years.

But the 49% (or probably more) that does smell it--we don't deserve to be dropped into the dump because of the stupid people.

That's why we have to fight stupidity.

NOW, before it's too late.

Start by ignoring Sarah Palin (or admitting she could be a Russian spy!). Focus on the real problems of this country.




Tuesday, September 09, 2008

Morning in America - SELL THE SUNSHINE!

Republicans are good at one thing--propaganda. They have no positive ideas at all, it's really sick and sad.

As for what to do:

1) McCAIN=BUSH - "the country can't afford four more years."

2) OBAMA=HOPE (he's kind of lost that message)

There's a great piece about the old "morning in america" ad Reagan ran. It was nauseating, but it was totally effective.

You have to sell people the dream, not the reality. You can't "convince" voters for president. You have to either promise them a sunny day, or make them afraid of the approaching storm.

Sunny is better.
