Saturday, October 18, 2008

Republicans: "We're rubber, you're glue..."

CONCORD, North Carolina (CNN) – John McCain stepped up his rhetoric against Barack Obama on taxes in his weekly radio address, comparing his plan to 'socialist' programs that would “convert the IRS into a giant welfare agency, redistributing massive amounts of wealth.”

What's so astounding about the current Republican propaganda machine is that they're eager to take whatever criticism can factually be applied to them, and throw it at their opponents.

You say Obama doesn't have enough experience? Introduce Palin!

The head of McCain's transition team worked on Saddam Hussein's behalf? Say Obama pals around with terrorists! Your biggest weaknesses? Say they're the other guy's! Works like magic!

McCain has been in the forefront of two major US bank meltdowns (Keating, then now with his friend Phil). So Bush has to literally socialize the banks. So what do you do--call Obama a socialist!

Of course, Bush's plan is not really socialism, which would mean health care and social services. It's fascism, which means taking care of businesses, not people. I wrote about this a few weeks ago.

redistributing massive amounts of wealth" that's been the main goal of the Bush administration from day one--but it's been a reverse Robin Hood scheme, robbing the poor and middle class and giving it to the rich.

We have had, in the past eight years, the most massive redistribution of wealth in US history, much of it going outside the country to Iraq--and foreign corporations (of which Cheney's Halliburton is now one--they moved to Dubai to escape potential prosecution from war profiteering).

And so, since they've done it themselves, they are now pinning it on someone else.

What I don't get is why the so-called liberal media never stops to say, "Hey, wait a second, you're calling him a socialist but YOU are the ones socializing major corporations, he's just for programs to protect people."

Why does nobody say that?

1 comment:

Unknown said...

This Oil Was Made for Halliburton:
