Saturday, January 31, 2009

America the FREE--as long as you can PAY for it

A friend of mine wrote me a heartfelt email about his mother, who is in assisted living. He writes,

My brothers and I are a bit wide-eyed right now in we thought our parents would do okay until they died, and now my mother and stepfather are each in assisted living. My mother's breathing is so bad, her care costs $14,000 a MONTH. She'll run out of easy cash in a few months, so we're trying to sell her house. None of us expected this, and my mother always said, "Don't worry about me. I have long-term disability insurance that will pay for 24-hour nursing at my house, if necessary. She's been paying on it for years. It turns out it'll pay up to $80 a day. You can't get hotels for that anymore. $2400 a month is not close to $14,000.

People like to think they're prepared for the future. We also liked to think we couldn't have another depression but that looks like a possibility now, too, due to the massive fraud, greed, governmental debt, lack of oversight, and just all around corruption.

In Australia all her needs would be taken care of--at home if she wanted. If you're sick or in an accident in Australia, they not only take care of you, they clean your house, cook your meals, take care of your kids.

But, according to my Republican friend, this is the terrible socialist big government we must avoid at all costs (let's not get into the reality of how Republicans create the biggest, most expensive governments, while cutting taxes to also create the biggest, most dangerous deficits--they like to have their cake and eat it too--while sending the bill to their children and grandchildren).

My Republican friend and I are having email debates, yet we're not convincing each other, because he's sure he's right.

Of course, I'm sure I'm right, too, which only makes me doubt myself--but I don't know if he ever doubts himself. He's SO sure, which is nice for him.

To him, socialism is bad. Bad. Bad. so bad you must repeat the word three times at least. Don't get into details of the difference between a socialist regime and democratic socialism, the whole idea of government helping people is a "nanny state' and is bad, unless they're spending trillions on defense, in which case it's a "daddy state" and it's good. This doesn't make sense to me--but then, I don't have all the answers and I'm not always right. Even so, it does seem hypocritical, doesn't it?

I chalk up a lot of this kind of "total assurance of the truth" to many religions, which teachers people from an early age that they are in the "right" religion, that God is on "their" side if they just follow the rules set up by the very political money and power bureaucracy that is the church. It's not just destructive, it causes many people to stop thinking for themselves--they don't have to, they've ceded their power to someone else ("a higher power" which is all fine and good if you're talking about true spirituality, but sad and empty if you're talking about organized religion, which, after all, is just a bunch of people.)

So here, in our "free country" it's free as long as you can pay for it. And my friend's mother worked all her life and paid for it--or thought she did.

Now she and her children find out now that the coverage she's paid for has profited the insurance company rather than her. And multiple families loses because of it--through worry about how to pay for it, and though the actual loss of the accrued work of their forebears.

The Republicans spout off about inheritance tax, calling it the "death tax." In reality, an estate of less than $3.5 million doesn't have this tax, so only few people pay it.

In the mean time, this shattering REAL "death tax" is that each generation is losing what the previous one built so they can pay for their care and death. That's so deeply wrong.

So don't let your fear of a word like "socialism" cloud the issue, that Americans are being bled dry by a government that does NOT help them, and would be far better off paying higher taxes to support a government that DID. A government that would help them even when they couldn't afford to help themselves.

That's the dirty little secret of socialism--it helps everyone, even when they can't pay for it. Geez, that's clearly not the way in the home of the free, is it? If you can't pay, it must be your fault and you must suffer. Right? You don't want to help no stinking loser who hasn't helped themselves.

And all that's OK, because it'll never happen to you, because you're prepared. You've paid all your life to make sure you're prepared. Right?

Except, as in the case of my friend's mother, who was a church-going, hard-working, well-compensated successful woman. She was as prepared as she could be--just as you may be. And when circumstances change, and all your work and investment and preparation isn't what you thought, isn't what all the experts told you it would be, then do you want to suffer, to have your family lose everything? Or do you want a government of good socialism to help?

That is your choice, after all. Because we still live in a democracy. Where you talk to your representatives and tell them what's important to you, whether it's "lower taxes no matter what," or "let's do what we can to help make people really taken care of."

Because, in the end, you may be the one who needs taking care of. You don't know. So it's good to have a social safety net, even if it's called socialism.


Stirling said...

I am the evil Republican friend. Hello again.

So much of what Daniel writes about my feelings is inaccurate and just obviously misunderstood by him.

I am portrayed as a war monger. 'Billions to war just for the fun of it and zero to the poor homeless kids.' I hate war. Let me say that again a little louder... I HATE WAR!! I have a brother still picking out pieces of shrapnal from his stomach from the Viet Nam war. My father fought in Korea. I have a friend who was also in Viet Nam who was the only one of 12 on his helicoptor that survived a missile attack. I hate war. I have cried for others losses. Others I have never met.

I am portrayed as a man who could care less about others healthcare needs. Both of my parents died excruciating painful deaths from cancer. I held my father as he took his last breath. I understand the needs families have and what they go through... financially and emotionally.

He portrays me as a man that favors big corporation's greedy ceo's taking food from babes of their employees. I am a union member and have been for 23 years. I have been through 4 greedy CEO's. I have recently taken paycuts totaling 38% or more to help save my company during hard times while my CEO and other big shots at the top take rediculous bonuses. I know what it feels like.

I am practically portrayed as not really caring whether or not we have dirty water and dirty air. And I kick dogs! I have a precious 2 year old daughter that means more to me than anything on this earth. I want her environment to be as pristine as the day God made it.

Oh yeah... God. I am a Christian and am not apologetic for it. My Socialist loving friend tries to say that we Christians believe God is on 'our' side and somehow ties that to political speaks. That's where you lose me. There is always abuse in organized religeon. Any religeon. But a true Christian thinks for himself or herself. We believe in free will and hopefully have the wisdom to stay away from those false representatives of God that use the name of a faith to promote their self interests. A true Christian has compassion and understanding for all people. ALL PEOPLE. A true Christian loves the Lord above all else and tries to follow His principles and guidence throughout his or her life. A true Chritian is not anyone who promotes hate.

I will end with saying again that I love my country. I believe in social programs such as schools and libraries... but NOT SOCIALISM... whatever version you have. That was not what our founding fathers envisioned. Government is not the answer to all our problems.

Finally, I feel horrible for Daniels friends family. I have been there and have nothing but the deepest sympathy for what they and their mother are going through. God bless you.

Daniel Will-Harris said...

Hmm, I don't recall ever calling you Evil. Let me check. Nope, just checked. I called Cheney evil, but your name isn't Dick.

And you're right, you are misunderstood, because frankly I don't understand your point of view--though I try, and I try to explain mine as well.

And our polar opposite approach to these issues only makes the URL of this blog, "polarized politics" more apropos.

But let me say again--I didn't make it personal, I didn't blame YOU for war or healthcare or call you a bad or uncaring person. That is something Republicans tend to do towards Democrats, though you haven't done it, either.

But now you misunderstand me, just as you misunderstand what a socialism in the form of "a rising tide lifts all boats" is.

What I questioned was your approach to our country's situation (and I never, ever suggested you didn't love your country or that you aren't a "real American," because those are things that some Republicans like to do to defame Democrats, and I wouldn't do that.

I also question your belief that te government doesn't have to help other people, because that doesn't sound Christian to me--but again, I must be misunderstanding.

I also never mentioned you and environment. I only talked about the way it was attacked in the last eight years by Bush and Cheney

Of course you want the world to be good for your daughter, I don't doubt that and never implied it. But there are costs associated with protecting the environment, and your Republican party has been not only unwilling to pay the cost of clean air for your daughter, they have actively undermined the environment at every turn--even to the point where they voted against clean water standards to protect her.

And I was not criticizing Christianity. I was criticizing organized religion, not religions themselves. There's a big difference.

Religions--and faith, are powerful forces of good in the world. But the organized religions that can spring up around them can be the opposite.

And you're right, Christians should not promote hate (or, hopefully, listen to it spouted on the radio by Rush, even if it's supposed to be funny).

And yet--there are many Christian organized religions who espouse hate against other religions.

Finally, I'm glad you have sympathy for my friend's family. But what good does that do for them in the real world?

What will it do for you if you need help that "socialized" programs could provide, and all you get is others sympathy?

Ocea said...

To BOTH of you...
What is the point? Seriously, you both need to get over these differences. You are so busy fighting over the uniting of a country, yet it is dividing a family - what do you call that? And which party wants to heal it?
