Wednesday, January 30, 2008


First--I don't care who you vote for as long as they're a Democrat, or even a true conservative, such as Ron Paul.

Just don't vote for yet another hypocritical liar who says one thing and does another, who steals from the poor to give to the rich, who starts wars and kills hundreds of thousands with no good reason, and who is trying to undermine democracy and personal freedom at every turn.


That's not much to ask.

Next--While John Edwards was my first choice, since he's out of the race, I urge you to vote for either Hillary or Obama. Either one. Take your pick.

Either will seem like the height of competence and honor after eight years of total incompetence and dishonor.

Nobody knows how long it will take to undo all the damage the Cheney/Bush Regime has done to this country--and they've make it their priority destroy democracy and freedom as we've known it, and that's the only thing they've been successful doing!

But we all know that we have to change direction, that we have to try to repair the damage and move on.

As much as I used to respect McCain, he's shown in the past four years that he is willing to sell his integrity to the GOP, which is very sad. I'm sure he's fine man, but he hasn't demonstrated backbone, integrity and honor the past four years.

So--whether you want Obama's slick if calculated Kennedy-esque brand of Change, or Hillary's slick if calculated newfound warmth brand of Change--just choose one and vote.

Vote with your money, vote with your voice, vote with your vote.

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