Thursday, May 21, 2009

The Republikan Fascist Federation (Aka, "The party of NO"

Why is it that Republicans always resort to childish name-calling
--and get away with it?

Now they're trying to rename the Democratic party to something so ludicrous I won't even repeat it here. Yes, Republicans are masters at propaganda and distorting language. They already undermined the term "liberal," and now that the Republican party itself is shrinking and dying after eight years of not being at all "conservative" they're trying to destroy the Democratic name.

And we live in a Democracy!

So, OK, if the Republicans say they're allowed to rename somebody else's political party, then so are Democrats.

So I dub the GOP (rather than merely the "Grumpy Old Party") "The Republikan Fascist Federation." This replaces my earlier name for them, which was simply "The Nazi Party."

In this case, it's entirely true. the Bush/Cheney years were one long exercise in turning democracy into Fascism--a government run by and for corporations. And we see where that lead--to the collapse of the world economy, to the undermining of the constitution (something Fascists now try to pin on Democrats--because they're from the"I'm rubber, you're glue" school of projecting their own vices out on everyone else).

The "Republican Party of No" once again has NO new ideas, NO positive plans, NOTHING to offer other than fear, anger, hatred--all Nazi tactics. They're still the GOP, only now they're the Grotesque Old Party.

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