Friday, September 26, 2008

McCain's tie and ties--who is he, a USED CAR SALESMAN?

McCain's odd candy-striped tie was NOT presidential.

In fact, his tie and ill-fitting suit both made him look like a used car salesman.

But a mere fashion faux paux is trivial--what's important is that McCain isa used policy salesman--Selling old, worn out, tired. FAILED.

And let's talk about McCains TIES to the people behind the failure of the savings and loans, behind the deregulation and current failure of banks. Those are the ties that bind.

And what about McCain's ties to lobbyists? He had an affair with one and then gave her lobby special treatment!

  • Would you buy a country from a man like this?

  • A man who lies even when it would be simple to tell the truth?

  • A man who was in the middle of the failure of savings and loan failure, and is now in the middle of the biggest financial crisis since the great depression?

  • A man who's best friend and financial advisor is Phil Gramm, who wrote the laws that deregulated the market--which caused this current crisis?

Why would we want to buy used failed policy from McCain?

We need a NEW model, new policy, new ideas--WE NEED CHANGE. We need OBAMA.

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