Monday, September 29, 2008

Better ways to spend 700 BILLION DOLLARS!

The people who need to be protected are AMERICAN CITIZENS, not Corporations who knowingly and willfully took actions for temporary profit that they had to know would lead to long-term disaster. Giving them money produces nothing.

We need to get back to making things -- that's what made this country great.

We've had too many years of "trickle down" economics where the people in the middle and bottom basically just get pissed on.

It's time to try "Bubble Up" economics--where money is spread out among the people so it can rise up. JFK said, "A rising tide lifts all boats."

The perfect example of this is FDR's public works programs which created jobs, pumped money into the economy--and resulted in building huge public works we still use today!

YOU and I deserve to be protected from greedy criminals on this huge of a scale.

Here's how we need to use the money:

  1. Fund the FDIC to make sure our bank accounts are safe. If you're worked hard and saved money, then you expect it to be there. We've been told the FDIC insures our money so it's safe. But the truth is that the FDIC doesn't have enough money to cover all our bank accounts--and it should.

    It's one thing to lose money on stocks--stocks are not insured, they are risk. But "money in the bank" is supposed to be safe, protected, insured by the government!

  2. Rewrite mortgages. The only people who can possibly blame homeowners for the crisis are the same greedy ones who gave the loans. Anyone who's had a home loan knows that normal people cannot figure out the hundreds of pages of small print. That's not our job. If someone wasn't qualified to get a loan, then WaMu and the others shouldn't have given them.

    Now the government could come in, rewrite mortgages, let people keep their homes, and that alone would help stabilize the housing market which is a key to this crisis.

  3. Fund national health insurance so people don't have to go bankrupt if they get sick. Most home foreclosures come from people going bankrupt from their medical expenses. That's absolutely insane. My Australian and Danish friends think this is unbelievable since it's so alien to them. Nobody should lose everything trying to pay for their health care. And nobody else in the industrialized world has to--just us. Meanwhile, insurance companies won't insure people with pre-existing conditions, and often cancel people when they get sick. We can stop this insanity now with some of this money!

  4. Create a new WPA to create jobs and rebuild our infrastructure. Roads. Bridges. Schools. Water systems. Our country is literally falling apart--and this money would both create jobs and rebuild the nation. This money would make something!
  5. Pay off McCain/Palin to get out of the race. Instead of electing McCain/Palin, I say just pay them off to go away. I think Palin would take 100 million, and McCain doesn't really need the money so he'd take half that. Just as we could have paid off people to get rid of Saddam for a few hundred million, (thereby saving trillions of dollars and tens of thousands of lives!) we can save the country by paying off these people to just go away!
We already are so massively in debt we can't afford 700 billion loaned from more foreign banks--imagine the interest on the debt alone. But if we're going to spend money we don't have there are GOOD ways to spend it :)

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